Ministry of Economy tightens control over price discipline

The State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control under the Ministry of Economy held a meeting with representatives of major manufacturers, importers, and market chains.

The meeting discussed issues related to the prevention of unjustified changes in prices against the background of increasing demand for several food products connected with the Novruz holiday.

Entrepreneurs were advised not to allow unreasonable price increases, display prices on goods in the markets correctly and to match them with cash prices, strengthen cooperation between consumers and market networks, seriously and promptly investigate the issue in case of dissatisfaction with the quality and price of products sold, ensure consumer rights and increase customer satisfaction.

It was stressed that an unjustified price rise, i.e., an increase in prices without an objective basis, is unacceptable.

The State Service conducts daily monitoring of the consumer market to detect and prevent these cases promptly. It has intensified in recent days due to the growing demand for consumer goods. The results of the monitoring are analyzed to determine whether there is an unjustified price increase.

Serious measures will be taken against business entities that violate consumer market participants' rights by allowing unjustified price increases.

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