Baku Higher Oil School signs Memo of Cooperation with state service

Rector of Baku Higher Oil School Elmar Gasimov and Head of the State Service for Antimonopoly Control and Supervision of the Consumer Market Mammad Abbasbeyli signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.

Report informs, citing the press service of the school, that the Memorandum provides for the organization of internships and summer practice programs for university students, mutual cooperation in the use of modern technologies and the results of scientific developments in the field of education, joint implementation of innovative activities in the field of education and technology. Under the document, it is planned to conduct joint projects and research, organize conferences, trainings and seminars, as well as to provide employment for special honors graduates. One of the areas of cooperation envisaged in the document is the organization of advanced training courses for employees of the Civil Service on the basis of BHOS advanced training programs, the involvement of specialists from the Civil Service in educational processes as lecturers, practice mentors, etc., holding "Career Days" at BHOS to inform students about the activities of the Civil Service and the vacancies available there.

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