Azerbaijani deputy PM: Serious work remains to be done to implement SDGs in next 7 years

Over the next seven years, countries will have serious work to do to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Deputy Prime Minister Ali Ahmadov said at the II Baku Sustainable Development Forum, Report informs.

Ahmadov reminded that more than seven years have passed since the adoption of this global project.

“The time allotted for its implementation is until 2030. However, the results achieved on a global scale for the implementation of the SDGs over the past period are not so impressive. Many goals were not strictly implemented. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which several years ago plunged the world into the collapse, the ensuing economic shocks, as well as ongoing conflicts around the world, including in the Middle East, hinder the implementation of the SDGs,” he said.

Ahmadov called on countries to make more efforts to successfully implement this global UN project by 2030.

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