Azerbaijan participating in Global Technology Forum

The Center for Analysis and Coordination of the IV Industrial Revolution (4SIM) under the Economy Ministry of Azerbaijan participates in the Global Technology Forum organized for the IV Industrial Revolution Centers network in San Francisco, US , Report informs.

As many as 110 participants are expected to speak at the event.

About 300 global leaders representing 219 organizations are participating in the forum this year. The main objective of the forum is to contribute to inclusive economies and societies through technological innovation.

Within the framework of the event, the executive director of 4SIM, Fariz Jafarov, will speak at the session titled “A New Energy Equation”, organized by the the World Economic Forum's Centre for Energy and Materials. He will also participate in a joint meeting with members of the AI Governance Alliance platform, of which he is a member.

Meetings regarding cooperation with Silicon Valley and Stanford University are also planned as part of the visit.

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