Azerbaijan increases excise rates 

Excise rates in Azerbaijan are increased stage-by-stage as part of the economic policy, Report informs, referring to State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy.

According to information, it's aimed to reduce the consumption of products that are harmful to health and gradually achieve the targets on the use of excisable products.

According to amendments in the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers “On Approval of Excise Rates for Goods Imported to the Territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and subject to excise" of the Cabinet of Ministers, dated January 19, 2001:

"Homogenized" or "reconstituted" tobacco, chewing or snuffing tobacco, as well as tobacco for hookah, except for tobacco for industrial purposes, were added to the list of goods subject to excise tax, and AZN 30 of excise rate was set per kilogram;

Tobacco and tobacco products consumed as a result of heating were added to the list of goods subject to excise tax and AZN 12.9 of excise rate was set per 1,000 units;

Excise rate on cigarillos containing tobacco and tobacco substitutes increased from AZN 31 to AZN 43 per 1,000 units;

Excise rate on cigarettes containing tobacco and tobacco substitutes increased from AZN 39 to AZN 43 per 1,000 units;

The excise rate on liquid for electronic cigarettes increased from AZN 20 to AZN 100 per liter.

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