AZAL Iimplements SİMA İmza for online ticket purchases to Nakhchivan

Starting from October 1, Azerbaijan's national air carrier, AZAL, will implement the SİMA digital signature for online purchases of flight tickets to Nakhchivan, Report informs, citing AZAL.

This innovation is aimed at digitizing the ticketing process for this destination, enhancing transparency, and improving security.

Passengers buying tickets through AZAL's official website or mobile application will be required to verify their identity using the SİMA İmza. This system is designed to meet high-security standards, ensuring all transactions are protected by modern technological solutions.

The identity verification process is fully integrated into AZAL’s system. When purchasing a ticket via AZAL’s website, passengers will confirm their identity by scanning a QR code with the SİMA İmza. For those using the mobile application, passengers will switch to the SİMA İmza app to complete the process. These measures are expected to encourage more online ticket purchases for Nakhchivan flights.

It is worth noting that when purchasing flight tickets for multiple passengers, only one passenger needs to complete the SİMA İmza verification process.

To use the SİMA İmza, passengers should first download the SİMA app and complete a simple registration process, which takes just a few minutes. Once registered, passengers can easily purchase tickets for flights en route Baku-Nakhchivan-Baku. A video tutorial on how to sign in with SİMA is available here:

Starting from October 1, passengers planning to travel to Nakhchivan and purchase tickets online are encouraged to download and register in the SİMA app in advance. The innovation applies exclusively to Azerbaijani citizens.

SİMA İmza is a new generation of advanced digital signature based on the cloud and face recognition technologies.

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