Winner of Nobel prize for literature dies

Baku. 13 October. REPORT.AZ/ The Nobel prize-winning playwright and actor Dario Fo, famous for his cutting political satire in plays such as The Accidental Death of an Anarchist, has died aged 91.

Report informs, Dario Fo, who won the Nobel prize for literature in 1997, had been suffering lung problems for months and had been in hospital for 12 days.

Fo first performed in the U.S. in 1986, after being denied a visa for years, when he took his one-man show “Mistero Buffo” to New York’s Joyce Theatre.

Fo won the Nobel prize, with the Swedish academy praising him for his contributions to “20th century world theatre”. It added that Fo “emulates the jesters of the Middle Ages in scourging authority and upholding the dignity of the downtrodden”. 

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