AzTV makes film '54 days under Armenian siege'

A film about 19 Azerbaijanis who were surrounded for 54 days during the occupation of the Lachin and Kalbajar regions by the Armenian armed forces in 1993 was shot at the film studio of the Azerbaijani television channel AzTV.

Report informs that the film, 54 days under Armenian siege, was shot in Lachin and Kalbajar regions.

The film is directed by Nadir Diridagly and honored cultural worker Vasif Mammadzada.

The film will be shown on October 31 at 21:30 on the Kultura TV channel.

From March 30 until May 23, 1993, nineteen people, including Ali Aliyev, Arif Zulfugarov, Tavakkul Ibrahimov, his brother Mukhtar Ibrahimov, Ashraf Ilyasov, Shakir Isgandarov, Bahadir Rzayev, his daughter Sarmaya Rzayeva (Nubar) and son Sahib Rzayev, Adigozal Gamzayev, Adil Verdiyev, Shakir Ismayilov, Valeh Abdullayev, Aghamaly Mardanov, Saleh Gasimov, Valery Nemashkalov, Vyacheslav Shiraliyev, Misha Doshevsky, Sasha Ovchinnikov remained under siege in the Lachin and Kalbajar regions.

A few years later, one of them - Ali Aliyev wrote the book, 54 Days Under Siege, which tells about those days. Aliyev passed away on July 2, 2017.

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