Reality caused by Armenian provocations - creation of buffer zone near border with Azerbaijan

Another provocation of the Armenian Armed Force units was prevented this night. In the directions of Dashkasan, Kalbajar, and Lachin of the Azerbaijan-Armenia state border, the sabotage groups of the Armenian Armed Forces have mined the areas between the positions of the Azerbaijan Army units and the supply roads, using the mountainous relief of the territory and existing valley gaps in the dark.

During the last month, the Armenian provocations in the direction of the Lachin and Kalbajar districts of the state border and the firing of the Azerbaijani Army positions in those regions with various calibres of weapons have become intensive and systematic. Attempts of intelligence-sabotage groups of the armed forces of Armenia to infiltrate into the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan have been identified many times and prevented as a result of the vigilance of our military units.

All this is observed against the background of the concentration of offensive weapons, heavy artillery, and personnel along the borders of Azerbaijan by Armenia.

Tonight, the provocations became more widespread - Some positions, shelters, and strongholds of the Azerbaijani army in the Dashkasan, Kalbajar, and Lachin districts were subjected to intensive shelling by units of the Armenian Armed Forces in the settlements of Basarkechar, Istisu, Garakilsa and Gorus from weapons of various calibers, including mortars. As a result, there are casualties among the personnel, and the military infrastructure is damaged.

In recent months, both the Minister of Defense of Armenia and other high-ranking officials have been emphasizing almost in every speech that the servicemen of active military service are not sent to the territories of Azerbaijan, where Russian peacekeepers are temporarily stationed. The picture we see in reality suggests that all that was said was a cover-up, but in fact, the presence of personnel and military equipment of the Armenian armed forces and joint activity with illegal Armenian military units continues.

Tonight, the insidious activity of those military units was revealed. When Azerbaijan carried out large-scale and difficult humanitarian demining activities in Karabakh and East Zangazur, it was observed that Armenia deliberately planted mines in the territories of Azerbaijan.

The political and military leadership of Armenia behaves hypocritically and says that work is being carried out on the so-called peace agreement, but in practice, it is consistently working to deliberately escalate the situation in the region with military gambles, disrupting the negotiations on the peace agreement, failing to fulfill its obligations under the tripartite statement of November 10, 2020, slowing down the construction projects of Azerbaijan in Karabakh and East Zangazur, and confusing the Armenian population and the international community.

All this, once again, clearly shows that the entire responsibility for the current situation lies with Armenia's military and political leadership.

The Azerbaijani Army, which won the Patriotic War, has taken necessary measures to prevent threats to our country's territorial integrity and sovereignty by Armenia and has prevented successive provocations carried out in the past two years.

How long will these provocations last? Could the next such cases again lead to the outbreak of a large-scale war?

There is only one way out to eliminate these possibilities - every last soldier of Armenia should be removed from the territory of Azerbaijan, and a safe zone, so to speak, a "buffer zone," should be created near the border of Azerbaijan.

So, Armenia should be forced to peace because revanchism, often felt in the Armenian media, cannot be allowed. Otherwise, the provocations of Armenia, which have been going on for the past month and have reached a violent stage tonight, will continue.

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