Pashinyan tries to conceal miserable situation in Armenian army COMMENT

Baku. 19 September. REPORT.AZ/ On September 18, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. During his visit, he met with the head of the separatist regime Bako Sahakyan.

Pashinyan also got acquainted with the conditions of the military personnel of the occupation army in Nagorno-Karabakh and the servicemen's living conditions.

Armenian Defense Minister David Tonoyan, Chief of General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces Artak Davtyan, 'defense minister' of the separatist regime Levon Mnatsakanyan and others accompanied the head of the government and the so-called 'president' of the separatism regime.

One of the main reasons why Pashinyan visited Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenian military units deployed in the occupied Azerbaijani territories is a recent increase in the number of fatalities within the Armenian army. 28-year-old resident of the Nor-Harberd village in the Ararat province, Armenia, who learned that he would serve in the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh committed suicide by hanging himself last day.

No matter for how long they try to conceal it, the number of deaths increased in the military units deployed in the Armenian army, especially in Nagorno-Karabakh, after Pashinyan came to power.

In short, after the April 2016 fights and defeats in the Gunnut operations in 2018, the crisis is deepening in Armenian army.

Defense Minister David Tonoyan is unable to overcome the crisis in the armed forces. He sees the way out in concealing the truth from the public. Donoyan also makes false statements that soldiers serving in the Armenian army will be provided with new quality boots and clothes by the end of the year. The Defense Minister is trying to distract the public and show that the situation in the army has changed for the better. However, the question is that if the situation is really positive, why do Armenian young people commit suicide to avoid serving in the Armenian army?

This is not the only thing that shows the real situation in the Armenian army. Large-scale drills held by the Azerbaijani army have frightened the Armenian government, especially Prime Minister Pashinyan, who voiced threatening statements against Azerbaijan.

This is reflected in his fraudulent statements on his Facebook page following his visit to the occupied Azerbaijani lands. According to him, there is a tension on the front line, but the situation is completely under the control of the Armenian army. But the prime minister tells a lie just as he did before.

First of all, if Pashinyan was interested in the peaceful settlement of the conflict, he would not have made threatening statements against Azerbaijan and would instead sit behind the negotiating table. So the prime minister of the occupying country is not a supporter of peace talks as he says. His statements are intended only for the domestic audience of Armenia and are aimed to soothe the supporters of Pashinyan who did not achieve anything after coming to power.

Secondly, Pashinyan's statements of their readiness for war are actually aimed at eliminating the fear formed in the Armenian society after the April war and the Gunnut operations. The prime minister realizes that fear stills reigns in Armenia, which has suffered crushing blows from the Azerbaijani army for two years now.

Finally, Pashinyan tries to conceal the miserable situation in the Armenian army by making different statements and create a high level of enthusiasm among the military. But the prime minister of the occupant country knows very well that his attempts are futile because the Azerbaijani army has dealt such a crushing blow to Armenia that it will hardly recover.

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