New document on ethnic cleansing committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis revealed - TELEGRAM FROM AMERICAN GENERAL

A new document confirming the facts of terrorism, ethnic cleansing, and genocide perpetrated against Azerbaijanis, including other Turkic peoples, by the Armenian Dashnaks for more than a hundred years has come to light.

Report informs that the French historian and expert Maxime Gauin conducted research in the archives in this regard.

Gauin shared a photocopy of the document he obtained on Twitter.

The document consists of a telegram from the high commissioner of the Entente in Armenia, General William Haskell, and reflects the facts of ethnic cleansing carried out by Dashnaktsutyun's government against Azerbaijanis.

"A document on the disappointment of General Haskell, the high commissioner of the Entente in Armenia, with the policy of ethnic cleansing carried out by the Dashnak government," a French historian wrote.

On January 22, 1920, General Haskell sent a telegram about the massacres committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis.

When talking about Azerbaijanis in his telegram, he used the term Tatars.

The General wrote in his telegram that the facts were based on the latest survey he personally conducted and the points obtained after he met with the neighboring Azerbaijanis, and he was sure of their reality:

"The Tatar (Azerbaijani) villages of the Okhittchi valley surrendered to the Armenians of Zangazur without resistance, the residents fled across the snowy mountains; then, they came under fire, many were killed, wounded, and died from lack of medical care, a total of 1,590.

"The Tatar (Azerbaijani) village of Kighi valley, which Armenians attacked, resisted for seven days. In this case, the Armenians sent artillery and machine guns from Goris, chased the Azerbaijanis from village to village, and finally surrounded them; the survivors fled to Ordubad and Nakhchivan, where they were interrogated by an American officer. Tatars (Azerbaijani) claim that Armenians are aiming to expel all Tatars (Azerbaijanis) from Zangazur by capturing Ordubad and Julfa, and from there, they will demand the evacuation of Nakhchivan. Khalil Bey from Julfa left for Ordubad (on December 25)."

The document states that on December 31, 3 American officers investigated a report of an Armenian attack on Aker, a large Tatar (Azerbaijani) village in Armenia, 12 miles northwest of Yerevan: "The officers saw the dead bodies of a man and a woman, and eight Armenians detained for their involvement in the armed robbery. Given the increasing frequency of these attacks and the fact that they occurred after the Armenian government disarmed the Tatars (Azeris), I insist that the Armenian government take immediate measures to prevent them from recurring. Armenia's current government is demosntrating its increasingly untrustworthiness and incompetency; It seems to have been driven by a desire to increase territory and means of propaganda."

According to a telegram, the Georgian government declared that soon there would be difficulties in transporting flour to Armenia:

"At the same time, there are 11 requests for help; it is the announcement of a policy aimed at blackmailing American aid work and extorting money from us."

The document made public by Maxime Gauin is kept in the archives of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, La Courneuve, under the barcode 47 CPCOM 6.

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