Azerbaijani-Turkish military cooperation - enhanced regional security

The Azerbaijani Parliament approved the Shusha Declaration on February 1. Thus, another legal procedure was realized in connection with the declaration signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Shusha on June 15, 2021. The document is expected to be discussed by the Turkish Grand National Assembly on February 3.

At a time when tensions are rising around the world, the global, regional and bilateral significance of the Shusha Declaration is reaffirmed. States are currently suffering more from terrorism, threats to territorial integrity, and separatism than from the economic problems caused by COVID-19. Such situations also threaten regional and international security. Ensuring security, combating terrorism, and protecting territorial integrity are also key areas of the declaration.

These issues are reflected in the document as follows: "If, in the opinion of one of the parties, there is a threat or an act of aggression from a third state or states against their independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, the inviolability or security of their internationally recognized borders, the parties will hold joint consultations and, in order to eliminate this threat or acts of aggression, carry out initiatives under the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and provide each other with the necessary assistance in accordance with the UN Charter. After determining through urgent discussions the volume and form of such possible assistance, a decision will be made to secure defense needs for the adoption of joint measures and coordinated activities will be organized of power-wielding and administrative agencies of the Armed Forces."

In recent years, Azerbaijan and Turkey have increased mutual assistance and support in ensuring security and territorial integrity. Military cooperation is clear proof that steps have been taken to implement the provisions of the Shusha Declaration. As a member of NATO, Turkey has the world's leading army. According to the document, the Azerbaijani side also benefits from this advantage.

On February 1, Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar. Speaking about military cooperation between the two countries after the ministerial meeting, Hulus Akar said: "The Shusha Declaration is a document that defines our path and strategy."

The document says: "The parties will continue to make joint efforts aimed at reorganizing and modernizing the armed forces of the two fraternal countries in accordance with modern requirements. The parties will encourage the exchange of personnel aimed at strengthening the defense capability and military security, conducting joint exercises and training, increasing the interaction capabilities of the armed forces of the two countries, cooperating closely in the management of weapons and ammunition on the basis of modern technologies, and ensuring coordinated activities of authorized agencies and institutions for this purpose."

Speaking at a joint press conference with Hulusi Akar, Azerbaijani Defense Minister Colonel-General Zakir Hasanov talked about military cooperation between the two countries: "On the instructions of the president of our country, we are carrying out reforms in the structure of the Azerbaijani army, similar to the army structure of the Turkish Armed Forces. Turkey provides Azerbaijan with great support in this direction. We have come a long way in this direction."

Turkey is also implementing the principles set out in the declaration over construction work in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan. At the same time, Turkish officials emphasize the importance of ensuring the territorial integrity and security of Azerbaijan, as well as at the regional and global levels, in meetings with government officials from the United States, the European Union, and Russia. The issue of Azerbaijan was also discussed during the talks between Turkish Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalin and US National Security Advisor to President Jake Sullivan on February 1.

Tensions around Ukraine have recently risen. The common approach of Azerbaijan and Turkey to Ukraine's territorial integrity and security is one of the indicators of ensuring internationally recognized territories, protection of sovereign rights of states, and joint struggle against separatism. This issue is also reflected in the Shusha Declaration.

On January 14 this year, President Ilham Aliyev visited Ukraine. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Ukraine is planned to be paid on February 3. This once again confirms that Ankara and Baku share a common position in foreign policy. The events prove that the Shusha Declaration was born out of time. This document not only assists and supports the solution of the problems of other states in the same field but also protects and ensures the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and security of Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Azerbaijan and Turkey also contribute to ensuring international energy security. The European Union plans to hold talks with Azerbaijan this week to discuss increasing natural gas supplies to Europe. The discussions will focus on the possibility of boosting exports through the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), which transports Azerbaijan's "blue fuel" to Europe. This proves the importance of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey at the international level.

Thus, Azerbaijan and Turkey increase their respect for international law by fulfilling their obligations under the Shusha Declaration. Such behaviour of the two states can be considered an example of relations between the countries. Therefore, Ankara and Baku have also made a fresh contribution to international relations through the declaration.

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