Architects of Armenian tragedy - intellectuals, politicians, patrons

Intellectuals can be the saviour of any ethnicity. The betrayal of this class, the wrong step, becomes the tragedy of the ethnos to which it belongs.

Armenian intellectuals Abel Aganbegyan, Zori Balayan, Silva Kaputikyan, and others became the architects of the tragedy for their entourage during the former USSR and after its collapse. Such Armenians propagated the Turkish-Azerbaijani hostility that began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and expanded the scale of this tragedy by making territorial claims to Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia, and Iran. Such behaviour towards neighbours has undermined the credibility of this ethnos in the South Caucasus. Since the establishment of Armenia, they were resettled in Azerbaijan, Armenians have been engaged in fulfilling the orders of others in the region. Its intellectuals and church enslaved this ethnos. For many years, they have educated several generations with false and fabricated ideas, as well as presented neighbouring ethnic groups and nations as enemies. As a result of the activities of these Armenian intellectuals and politicians, they occupied Azerbaijani territories for about 30 years with the help and support of Armenian patrons. They committed the Khojaly and Garadaghli genocides with the help of Russia's 366th Motorized Rifle Regiment.

Those who promised to build a happy life for Armenians over the massacre, tragedies, and crimes committed against Azerbaijanis were not seen during the 44-day counter-offensive. Relatives of the perpetrators of these genocides, including Robert Kocharyan, Serzh Sargsyan, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, Seyran Ohanyan, and others, did not take part in the war. So they knew they were wrong and powerless. By liberating their lands from occupation, the Azerbaijani Army also showed the old and new generation the essence of the lie that Armenian intellectuals have propagated for many years. Armenia and Armenians became victims of propaganda of Armenian and Armenian intellectuals, Etchmiadzin Cathedral. Developments suggest that they will need many years to gain credibility and influence in the region.

In fact, by signing a capitulation act on November 10, 2020, Armenia had a new opportunity to gain confidence. According to the relevant article of the document, official Yerevan could take an important step to increase self-confidence by withdrawing its troops from the territory of Azerbaijan. However, Armenia is again trying to engage in subversive activities against Azerbaijan in the territories where Russian peacekeepers are temporarily stationed. They intend to repeat the events of 30 years ago. By training them, Russian peacekeepers are trying to play the role of the 366th Motorized Rifle Regiment. With this activity, Armenia also loses the chance to become an independent state. By taking this step, Armenians are repeating the mistakes of their ancestors. The 44-day war shattered the military and political power they had amassed over the centuries, as well as the myths about them.

As we know from history, defeated nations and states make inferences from the policy of aggression. It restores its lost reputation, renounces aggressive policies, and even gains confidence and begins to cooperate with hostile nations. The fate of Hitler's Germany can be an example for all aggressor states and ethnic groups. For many years, this country has been morally and materially compensating for the crimes committed by the Nazis. If Armenia does not renounce its claims against Azerbaijan, the iron fist will come into force again. If this situation arises, the future of the state called Armenia will be in question.

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