Three talks of Russian President: Nagorno-Karabakh occupation out of discussions - COMMENT

Baku. 4 May. REPORT.AZ/ During last three days, President of Russia, the northern neighbor of Azerbaijan, Vladimir Putin had number of talks that can be regarded as important in terms of global security.

The first of his contacts was a phone talk with US president Donald Trump. Russian side has been anxiously waiting for this contact about one month. Russian media spread diverse information on Trump-Putin talk.

Eventually, the phone talk between them took place. The sides discussed prospects for coordination of activities of US and Russia in fighting against terrorists in Syria and situation in Korean peninsula. The presidents came to agreement to keep on telephone contacts. They expressed intention to meet during G20 Hamburg Summit on July 7-8.

A day after his phone talk with US president, the Russian president received German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Sochi. The sides talked over bilateral relations, situation in eastern Ukraine, G20 Summit, Syrian crisis, as well as international security issues.

This meeting was no less important for the German politician in personal terms. Parliamentary elections in Germany will be held on September 24 of this year. Without any doubt, Angela Merkel wants to be Chancellor once again. Taking into account allegations related Russia’s interference in US elections, it is not excluded that Merkel might hint about parliamentary election during conversation with Putin.

Notably, Merkel had 16 trips to Russia during her term as a head of government. Her last travel to Russia was on May 10, 2015. The Chancellor refused to attend the event dedicated to 70th anniversary of the victory on May 9.

Putin’s meeting with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi was of a higher interest for Azerbaijan. The presidents discussed development and expansion of bilateral ties, Syrian conflict, regional security issues.

The sides intend to raise trade turnover between two countries to USD 100 billion. On the eve of the meeting, Turkish president Erdogan told that the opposite side have to cancel all trade sanctions against Turkey to fully normalize relations with Russia: “If we want to achieve USD 100 billion trade turnover, all these restrictions must be lifted immediately and fully”.

Putin told at the press conference held after the meeting that all restrictions applied earlier were lifted: “Any restriction destroys the economy. As a result, our production suffers”.

Russia hasn’t yet canceled restrictions to frozen meat, poultry products, turkey meat, tomato, cucumber, fresh grapes, apple, pear and strawberry imported from Turkey.

Thus, the situation in Syria and global security were the common topics of these meetings. As the US and Germany are far from intention of carrying out war against Russia, they consider the negotiations with Kremlin as more rational way for solving problems. One is true, the Russia doesn’t possess power and influence of former USSR. Because Soviet Union had the capacity to expand the area of its influence in the world. The West in turn was trying to thwart expansion of its area of influence. Whereas now Russia itself struggles to save itself from the influence of the West and tries to protect its security and territorial integrity. Participation in processes outside of Russia mostly serves to this purpose. The purpose of US and German leaders negotiating with Russia is, at the same time, to neutralize it by making a partner in settlement of international conflicts.

As the Germany is a leading member of European Union, it gives a priority to the cooperation with Russia. After Euro-exit, the United Kingdom may keep course of expanding cooperation with Russia. Without any doubt, the Germany doesn’t want to lose to UK in such supposed game.

During last period, there is coldness in relations of Turkey with European Union and some circles in the US. There are enough overlapping points in positions of Ankara and Moscow. Moreover, Turkey and Russia intend to expand cooperation in wider sense and even in military-technical terms to block the threats coming from the West.

Azerbaijani side also has some expectations from these meetings. US and Russia are co-chairing countries of OSCE Minsk group, the international intermediary for resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict (France is third co-chair). Germany’s closest ally – Austria is the acting chair of OSCE.

In addition to this, Germany is also a leading member of European Union. But Turkey always defends Azerbaijan’s fair position.

That’s why there was a probability, although quite small, that some ideas related to Nagorno-Karabakh conflict would be sounded in these meetings. But unfortunately, the countries performing the role of international intermediaries didn’t even hint about this issue.

The latest contacts once again proved Russia as a stumbling block in resolution of international conflicts. But this doesn’t mean that the other powers care much about resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. 

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