World Bank: Azerbaijan's vegetable production will require an investment cost of nearly $4B

Making vegetable production more resilient in Azerbaijan will require investment in improved greenhouses on approximately 9,800 ha at an investment cost of $3.81, Report informs, citing the World Bank Group’s Azerbaijan Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR).

"Adopting conservation agriculture (minimum tillage) technology on 0.5 million ha of cropland (for wheat, maize, cotton, and vegetables) requires a relatively modest investment of $10.1. This moisture-saving technology can reduce soil erosion and improve soil structure and fertility. Further investment in knowledge transfer and training will also be required. Adaptation investments in climate-resilient agriculture have economic benefits that compensate for their costs, and therefore there is a role for both public and private investments in financing adaptation technologies and measures. Public investments in subsidies or incentives may constitute 30–40 percent of investment costs and would primarily be aimed at supporting smallholders with limited access to finance and low capacity for the adoption of adaptation technologies and measures. The existing farm extension service will need to deliver new knowledge through training and technical assistance to farmers and facilitate the process of adoption of new technologies and management practices," the report said.

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