FAO to support women working in agrarian sector in Azerbaijan

"56% of women working in the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan are women. However, officially only 21% of those working in this field are women," Melek Çakmak, Head of FAO Partnership and Liaison Office in Azerbaijan, said.

Report quotes, as saying, women face several problems, including gender inequality, informal employment, and poor access to social services: "The women's lack of financial access prevents them from joining successful business strategies. Women make up almost half of the world's population. If their economic potential is not fully used, the world will lose a lot. Empowering women will improve the financial situation of the family.

Çakmak said that women's economic strengthening would ensure social justice and equality: "Considering that 32% of all women entrepreneurs are engaged in agriculture, forestry, fishing, there is great potential for expanding the opportunities of women living in rural areas. As an FAO, we will support women's agricultural information, knowledge, credit, processing tools, and market access. We will develop certain recommendations to create equal opportunities for women and men in agriculture."

The project "The role of women in agriculture" is funded by the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan.

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