Azerbaijan, Israel mull activity areas in agriculture sector

Azerbaijan wants to take advantage of Israel’s methods for the efficient use of water, its extensive experience in wastewater treatment, Sectoral Chief of the Agriculture Ministry Togrul Gafarbayli told Report.

He noted that, along with this, Azerbaijan wants to take advantage of Israel’s extensive experience in growing various types of seeds in more severe climatic conditions, provided that the genetics of the seeds do not change.

Gafarbayli believes that Israel has achieved success in the field of intensive horticulture, the introduction of drip irrigation systems in super-intensive horticulture: “We intend to benefit from this. We have several projects with Israel. The Azerbaijani embassy in Israel has also been opened, which serves to develop bilateral relations.”

He noted that in Azerbaijan, farmers are very interested in applying innovative solutions in irrigation systems: “Investments in the irrigation system justify themselves. Therefore, we cooperate with Israel and other countries where there are innovative solutions in this area.”

The ministry spokesman added that Israeli companies will take part in the 16th Azerbaijan International Agricultural Exhibition (Caspian Agro) and the 28th Azerbaijan International Food Industry Exhibition, which will be held in Baku on May 17-19.

Israel is developing a 30-year plan to provide water to the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan. Israel’s National Water Agency - Mekorot signed the first business agreement with Melioration and Water Management of Azerbaijan OJSC.

In addition, the Azerbaijani Agriculture Ministry, together with the Israeli Arava International Center for Agricultural Training (AICAT), has announced an internship program for young specialists working in the agricultural sector.

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