Astara tea will be exported abroad under brand "Made in Azerbaijan" - PHOTO

Astara. 8 May. REPORT.AZ/ Astara tea is ready to be exported abroad under the brand "Made in Azerbaijan".

The southern bureau of Report informs, "Astarachay" LLC agronomist İsrafil İsrafilov said.

He noted that, in the early stages production will be exported to European and Arab countries: Ə20 tons of ready "Qara Məxməri" sort of tea will be sent to Qatar. Moreover, Germany has ordered 5 tons of the same sort at the initial stage”.

According to him, to get higher quality in the manufacturing process technologists and experts from Japan and India have been invited.

Notably, "Astarachay" LLC plantation area covers an area of 450 hectares, including Lankaran and Astara regions.Last year, 103 tons of products were collected from there.

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